Handbook Transition Protocol

The original Connect Care Physician Handbook served as a reference for CMIO leaders, informaticians and physician stakeholders participating in preparations for Connect Care role out. The emphasis was on supporting Scoping, Direction Setting and


  • Remove dependence upon legacy Handbook by transferring files from HIREx file server to AHS External SharePoint-based file share.

  • First priority is to free Connect Care Manual from any dependence upon HIREx server at meta.cche.net (University of Alberta)


  • Access to multiple Internet Browsers: Explorer-Firefox-Chrome or Safari-Firefox-Chrome

    • This is not essential, but is convenient. If using only one browser, prefer Chrome (most reliable with Link Exchange)

  • Editor access to Connect Care Manual (ahs-cis.ca/manualadmin) [load in Explorer or Safari]

  • Editor access to legacy Connect Care Handbook using HTML interface with editor access (ahs-cis.ca/hirex, then select HIM databook) [load in Chrome]

  • Editor access to Link Exchange in the HIM domain (him.ahs-cis.ca) [load in Chrome]

  • Editor access to CMIO External Files repository (ahs-cis.ca/cmiofilespublic) [load in Firefox]

  • Downloads temporary file area on local hard drive. Start empty and clear at end of work session.

  • Multi-monitor desktop setup (ideally)

Preparation for a Work Session

  • Identify section(s) of Manual that will be scanned and corrected for Handbook links.

  • Confirm that no one else is working on these sections at the same time.

Iterative Steps

  1. Navigate to the section of the Manual that will be link-corrected using the editor interface.

  2. Use pointing device to hover over hyperlinks found within the Manual section, looking for any links that have the format "//handbook.connect-care.ca/?=NNN" or "//handbook.ahs-cis.ca/?=NNN" where NNN is a digit.

  3. When a hyperlink fits this format, stop and begin the work of link replacement. Take note of the numeric identifier (NNN).

  4. First, go to the Link Exchange and click on the "Short URL" (first) column one or more times to sort by that column, allowing a quick scan to see if the handbook identifier (NNN) is already managed. It is also possible to use the Link Exchange search field (just above first column) and seek the NNN to see if it is already handled.

    • If the NNN identifier has already been "registered" in the Link Generator, take note of its "Original URL" and copy that. This link can be pasted into the Manual link that is being corrected (remember to click on Apply to save the change). That finishes all steps for this link. --> Return to Step 1 and find a new link.

    • If the NNN identifier has not yet been registered, proceed to Step 5.

  5. Switch to the legacy Handbook (using editor interface via ahs-cis.ca/hirex).

    • Find the record of interest and download any pdf and doc (source) files to a temporary ("Downloads") directory on the local hard drive

      • Use the "Search" function accessed via a "Search" button in the bottom left cluster of HIREx action buttons and use the "Identifier Search" tool that next displays to look up the record identifier of interest (step 3 NNN)

      • Open the record matching the ID number of interest. Note its preview and the top title of the document for later use.

      • Use the small action icons at the top right of the record to download any source document (Word icon) and pdf document (Save [floppy disk] icon). Take note of the file name (e.g., "used for the source document as this will be used for both source and pdf going forward.

    • The downloaded pdf file will have a file name matching the pattern "NNN_frmFile2.pdf". It saves time later if this pdf is immediately renamed to match the downloaded source file (e.g., .doc file). Simply copy the name root (part before the ".") from the source file name and use it to replace the name root (part before the ".pdf") for the pdf file name.

      • If the file name includes a date (e.g., "AHS_CC_Norm_File-Naming_20200910.pdf"), remove the date and preceeding underscore (e.g., "AHS_CC_Norm_File-Naming.pdf")

  6. Switch to the CMIO External File Shares (ahs-cis.ca/cmiofilespublic)

    • Upload the source file from the local downloads directory. Use the "Upload" icon/command, or simply "drag-n-drop" the two local downloads (".doc" and ".pdf" files) to the CMIO External Files Shares for immediate upload.

    • Again note the CMIO standardized root file name (part of file name before any extension). SharePoint defaults to this as the file name.

    • Give a simple title to the uploaded source file, using the Connect Care Manual resource types list (see Legend) in the format "Type: Short title". The short title can be exactly what appears as the title within the document itself (which was previewed in the Handbook, Step 4). Copy this short title so that it can be used again with the uploaded pdf file.

    • Add "CMIO" as the author. Save/check-in the uploaded source file.

    • Upload the print-friendly (pdf) version of the file (this will have been downloaded from Step 4 and renamed to match the root of the source file name.

    • Paste or enter the Title to be exactly the same as the uploaded source document.

    • Enter "CMIO" as the author, then save.

    • Positioning the pointing device over the row of a newly uploaded file, then right-click, then select "Properties" to get fast-access for correcting Title or authorship.

    • Position pointing device over the "..." symbol in the row for the now re-saved pdf file and left-click (select). From the resulting popup dialog, select and copy the Internet location (URL) that is displayed. Copy this (right click and select Copy or use Cntl-C shortcut) for use in the next steps.

  7. Switch back to the legacy Handbook in edit mode

    • Click on the Edit icon in the top-right icon cluster of the record of interest (Pencil on paper icon, just to the left of source file download icon)

    • Scroll down through the edit fields that present, seeking the field labelled "Optional Internet Location". Paste in the URL obtained at the end of Step 5. Click on the Save button.

    • This also serves to mark a Handbook record as having already been redirected.

  8. Switch back to the Manual at the page where left off in Step 3

    • Position the pointing device over the link that is being updated. Left-click, then select the edit (pencil) icon to change the link.

    • Paste the new URL (copied to clipboard as last part of Step 5) in the Link field, replacing the old link.

    • Be sure to click on "Apply" to save the link edit.

  9. Switch to the Link Exchange (him.ahs-cis.ca)

    • Check to see if there are any links already with the ID number from Step 3. If so, take no further action.

    • If a new link is needed, click on the top right "Create new Link" button.

    • Enter the new URL (copied at the end of Step 5) into the "Long URL" field.

    • Enter the ID number (from Step 3) plus "pdf" into the "Short URL" field (e.g., "123456pdf")

    • Save the new link.

    • This step will allow all past references to this file (where in the format handbook.connect-care.ca/?=NNN) to resolve to the new location.

  10. Go back to Step 1 and find a new URL with a Handbook link needing updating.