Demonstration and Training Videos

Short videos of Connect Care workflows are invaluable additions to Clinician Manual, Blogs, Tips and other user support resources. The images and explanations can illustrate skills that would otherwise require complex or lengthy prose explanations.

Access and Editing Rights

The CMIO portfolio maintains a collection of clinician-to-clinician demonstrations, as well as streaming videos used in prescriber training. The editorial board provides oversight ( and can facilitate access for uploading and managing demo videos. 

All Connect Care users have access to individual videos linked in support materials. They also have access to the curated collection of all videos.

Editorial rights for the associated SharePoint site are granted to individuals who have been oriented to expected processes and quality assurance. Both users and editors access the video collection via the same Internet link:

Listing Available Videos

Demonstration videos are managed by an AHS-developed SharePoint application (plug-in) called "BuzzStream". Editors need to be granted access to one or more "channels" (the CMIO portfolio has one of these), which are displayed upon logon to BuzzStream.

Once logged in, an editor selects the desired channel ("CMIO - Connect Care Demos") and then sees a list of all uploaded videos.

Uploading New Videos

Use the "Upload" button, then select the video (must be in .mp4 streaming format) and complete the upload process. Once complete, the new video will appear among the list of all uploaded videos. The list tools allow a video to be selected for preview. Additionally, the level of user access ("Visibility") can be seen in a column of the listed videos and can be adjusted-in-place if needed. 

Configuring Video Deployment Options

At the far right of a particular demo row within the list of channel videos is an "Options" button. Selecting this gives access to a pop-up dialog where the following video attributes can be edited:

Collection Curation

A few action buttons are found in the title-bar at the top of the channel listing. These include the "Upload" button, described above and a button for deleting videos selected in the channel list.

Technical Support

AHS BuzzStream is internally developed by AHS and continues improvement cycles. Technical issues can be brought to the attention of David Larson.