Information Object Templates - Documents

Manual and Blog Linked Information Objects

The following list includes standard information "objects" used in Connect Care communications, help, support and training initiatives. Links are provided for generic and CMIO (in parentheses) variants of Microsoft Word template documents that can be used when creating new instances of the objects.

  • Backgrounder (CMIO) - (1-10 pages) Exploration of the context, history or other background to a process or issue.

  • Briefing - (1-2 pages) Summary of key messages from a backgrounder.

  • Byte (CMIO) - (~1 page) Brief explanation of a topic, function, concept or process, serving as a quick orientation for readers unfamiliar with the focus of a Manual section.

  • Compact - (1 page) Simple statement of mutual expectations and accountabilities.

  • Crib-Sheet - (1-5 pages) summary of properties of a tool, settings or other configuration and use instructions.

  • FAQ (CMIO) - (1-10 pages) Series of common questions about a particular topic, providing an accessible way for prescribers to quickly home in on issues of particular interest.

  • Glossary Key Concept - (few sentences to a few pages) Definition of a term, concept or function, usually linked to

  • Guide (CMIO) - (1-10 pages) More detailed exploration of the features and controls for a particular function, activity or information process.

  • Infographic - (1-2 pages) Graphic representation of a workflow or process, useful for illustrating how different functions, possibly performed by different persons, relate in the CIS.

  • Insite - Web resource found on AHS Intranet web pages (requires authentication).

  • Norm (CMIO) - (5-10 pages) Exploration of expectations of users of the Connect Care CIS respecting a particular functionality.

  • Principles - (1 page) Summary of key principles guiding the design, build or use of a particular functionality.

  • Process - (1-5 pages) Specific steps taken to execute a particular workflow or task.

  • Resource - Web resource that is openly available (no AHS authentication required).

  • Tip (CMIO) - (1-3 pages) Illustrated explanation of how to perform a particular function, always practical and always about how to use the CIS.

Other Document Templates

  • Comms Plan (communications plan) - (1-5 pages) Audience-aligned plan for communications of significant new CSD initiatives.

  • Letter - Simple template for Connect Care correspondence.

  • Memo - Simple template for Connect Care memos.

  • Messages - Key messages re Connect Care from physician leaders.

File Naming Conventions

Connect Care Norms for file naming should be followed when saving any of the above templates as a specific document. If a document's content is unique to the CMIO (prescriber) context and is to be recognizably distinct from similar documents applying to other user populations, then "_cmio" should be appended to the end of the document name (just as used in the templates above.